At the Graduate Division, we recognize the importance of strong outreach, recruitment, and a dynamic digital presence for UCSB departments. These elements are essential to showcase the outstanding faculty, graduate students, staff, and cutting-edge research that UC Santa Barbara has to offer. Our resources empower departments to enhance their visibility, attract top-tier talent, and build a diverse and thriving academic community. Explore our tools and strategies to strengthen your department’s digital footprint and outreach and recruitment efforts, ensuring UC Santa Barbara stands out on the global academic stage.
The Graduate Division strives to improve diversity in graduate education through our outreach, recruitment and retention efforts. As a department, develop a shared vision for addressing the diversity values and beliefs of the program. This mission should be consistent with the campus overall mission as it applies to diversity of graduate education:
“Our academic community of faculty, students, and staff is characterized by a culture of interdisciplinary collaboration that is responsive to the needs of our multicultural and global society.”
-- UC Santa Barbara Mission Statement
“We are continually striving to maintain a diverse academic community through the recruitment and academic preparation of academically qualified students, and through the recruitment and retention of outstanding faculty and staff.”
– Chancellor Henry T. Yang
The Graduate Dean's Advisory Board on Diversity was formed in 2016. The board is comprised of campus administrators, faculty, staff, and graduate diversity peers who are committed to recruiting and retaining a diverse graduate student population. The committee, in concert with the established Faculty Diversity Officers in each department, assists in the development of ongoing action plans for diversifying the graduate student population.
The Graduate Division’s Plan of Action
Click through the topics below for a quick breakdown of the fall recruiting season.
Starting in September, the Graduate Division, in collaboration with the Office of Public Affairs and Communications will release a two-phase, bilingual advertising campaign targeted to prospective graduate students from Hispanic-Serving institutions in California, HBCUs, as well as members and/or alumni of groups that support graduate school access and preparation for traditionally underrepresented populations (ie. McNair, Sally Casanova, and UC LEADS). We will also be sending targeted reminders to applicants throughout the graduate admissions process.
This Fall, the Graduate Division will host several admissions and outreach presentations for a number of institutions and Undergraduate Research Programs across the country. Some of the Undergraduate Research Programs that we will work with include the following:
- Ronald McNair Scholars
- Mellon Mays Scholars
- California State University Pre-Doctoral Scholars (Sally Casanova)
- Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
- Hispanic Serving Institutions
- Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
Click here to see the schedule for fall admissions and outreach presentations
Departments may want to schedule informational sessions following out Admissions Open House session to take advantage of a captive audience. The Graduate Division would be more than happy to provide some guidance and promote your event through our website and mailing lists.
The Graduate Division plans to collaborate with its sister campuses to provide a comprehensive presentation on Graduate Studies within the UC System.
The Graduate Division will create a mailing campaign aimed at prospective scholars from Historically Black Colleges and Universities as well as Hispanic Serving Institutions.
Check the Graduate Division Graduate School Fairs and Conferences calendar for updated listings. We will continue to add conferences and events as they come across our desk.